Winter is often a tough time for our skin, especially for our sensitive lips. The cold air and dry heating can cause lips to become chapped and cracked. But with the right lip care, we can counteract this problem and keep our kissable lips in top form all year round. Today I have a few tips and tricks to help prevent dry and chapped lips.

Tip 1: Drink enough fluids

In the winter cold, we tend to consume less water. Nevertheless, it is crucial to drink enough fluids to keep the skin, including the lips, well hydrated. Experts recommend at least two liters of water per day to ensure optimal hydration.

Tip 2: Exfoliate lips regularly

Regular exfoliation is key to lip care, especially if it contains propolis. Propolis offers numerous benefits for dry and chapped lips. Propolis can support the regeneration of small cracks and acts as a natural plaster to protect against harmful environmental influences. You can easily make a lip scrub at home:

You can find the exact instructions for the DIY lip scrub in this video.

The scrub with propolis in combination with the other natural products helps to soften the lips and strengthen their natural protective barrier.

Tip 3: Natural lip care

The use of lip care products based on beeswax and shea butter is particularly effective in winter. This base can be found in our bedrop Bee Balm, which also contains royal jelly and manuka honey. Royal jelly is rich in nutrients, vitamins and proteins, which help to moisturize and regenerate the skin. Manuka honey is known for its antimicrobial properties and can protect the skin of the lips from dry, chapped lips. The combination of these ingredients forms a protective but nourishing film on the lips. So instead of cracked, chapped and dry lips, you have protection against the cold and wind, while at the same time providing care for sensual suppleness.
An important aspect of Bee Balm is the zinc oxide it contains, which is known as a natural sun protection factor, as UV rays can damage the lips just as much as the cold, especially in combination in skiing and hiking areas.

Tip 4: Vavoid licking the lips:

It may be tempting to moisten dry lips with your tongue, but this reflex can actually lead to additional dryness. The evaporation of saliva removes moisture from the lips and makes them more susceptible to cracking. Try to resist this instinct and use the natural Bee Balm lip balm instead, applying it liberally and using it regularly, especially before going outside. This creates a barrier against the winter cold and prevents your lips from drying out.

Tip 5: Keep dirty hands away from your lips:

An often overlooked, yet crucial tip for winter lip care is to keep your hands clean and away from your lips. Our hands come into contact with various surfaces and potential germs throughout the day. Touching your lips with dirty hands puts you at risk of infection and irritation. Therefore, avoid touching your lips unknowingly and wash your hands regularly to minimize the transmission of bacteria.

These are my tips for the right lip care in winter, but also beyond that for all those who struggle with chapped and dry lips.

My set recommendation for the products from the tips is the large Winter Care Set.

It contains everything your lips and body need.
Click here for the Winter Care Set (large)

If you have any questions, you can send an inquiry here.

Due to the Health Claims Regulation (EC) No. 1924/2006, which came into force on 14.12.2012, we are unfortunately unable to provide more detailed information about the product and its area of application at this point. You can find and read more detailed information on specialist websites.