Recipe: Hot lemon, quick and simple
Here's a super simple and healthy recipe for the start of autumn.
Many people struggle with the sudden change in weather and this often manifests itself in the form of a sore throat, cold or other flu-like symptoms. In addition to a balanced diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables, it is important to keep your throat moist and warm with soups or tea. What always helps me and gets me back on my feet in no time is a homemade hot lemon.
My personal hot lemon recipe contains organic lemons, organic ginger and high-quality Manuka honey MGO 400+ from bedrop.
Lemons have a very high content of vitamin C, which has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. This fights against free radicals and can strengthen our immune system. The potassium it contains supports our cardiovascular system, nerves and muscles.
Ginger is also rich in potassium, vitamin C and vitamin B groups. A special property is attributed to the spiciness in ginger. This can support the circulation and strengthen the cardiovascular system and the body through the vitamins as well as the lemon, especially in the fall and winter time.
Manuka honey is obtained from the unique Manuka plant, which grows exclusively in New Zealand. The special thing about Manuka honey is its methyl gyl oxalate (MGO for short) content. The spicy sweetness of the honey is the perfect complement to the sour lemon and spicy ginger.
You will need:
3 organic lemons (these are free from pesticides and can be added to the water)
20 gr organic ginger
1 tbsp Manuka honey MGO 400+
500 ml water
Pour the water into a teapot or saucepan and leave to simmer on a low heat.
Wash the organic lemons thoroughly. Peel the zest from 2 organic lemons and add to the water. Squeeze the juice from all the lemons and also add to the water.
Peel the ginger and cut into small pieces, add these to the pot/teapot.
Finally, add approx. 1 tbsp of Manuka honey MGO 400+, please add this with a wooden or plastic spoon (metal reacts with honey and can distort the taste!)
Now leave the whole thing to simmer for 10 minutes so that the ingredients can bind. It is important that it does not boil, as the Manuka honey can lose its effect. Honey should generally not be added to boiling water.
Enjoy the taste, Honeybee.
Click herefor our high-quality bedrop Manuka honey MGO 400+.