A gentle process

First of all, we want to reassure you: The extraction of bee venom is neither deadly nor dangerous for our bees. On the contrary, we use a method that is as gentle and stress-free as possible for our buzzing bees.

Why is this so important?

You may be wondering why we place so much emphasis on this gentle method. Well, at bedrop, the welfare of our bees is our top priority. I grew up with bees myself and was made aware at a very young age of how important bees are to our ecosystem and how grateful we should be for these wonderful animals. Bees play a crucial role in the pollination of plants and therefore make a significant contribution to maintaining biodiversity and securing our food supply. Without bees, our ecosystem would be out of balance and many of the fruits and vegetables we enjoy every day would be at risk. That is why we are committed to sustainable and ethical beekeeping.

We know our bees

At bedrop, our passionate beekeepers treat the bees with care. They provide the small farm animals with the necessary resources. To ensure that beekeepers receive high-quality bee products, the bees are fed with natural products and feed solutions. Our beekeepers do not use pesticides, antibiotics and other veterinary drug residues. They love and live with our bees.

The pure air of the idyllic rural regions is reflected in the bees' products. We have packed this purity into our products - pure propolis tinctures whose quality you can literally taste.

Inspired by nature

Our approach takes into account not only the natural instincts of bees, but also their changing moods. In the wild, bees use their venom in defense, but our method does so gently and without harming the bees. The poison is collected in the beehive on a special glass plate. To protect the value of this precious raw material, our hives are even fenced in with barbed wire, as sustainably sourced bee venom is extremely expensive without suffering.

This innovative technique allows us to collect the high-quality and sustainable bee venom without the bees losing their sting or dying. The extracted venom is gently freeze-dried and processed into a powder, which we then integrate into our products. This creates an ideal symbiosis between state-of-the-art technology and natural beekeeping, which ensures both the well-being of the bees and the quality of our products.

A benefit for everyone

Gentle bee venom extraction is not only good for the bees, but also for you. Because only healthy and stress-free bees produce bee venom of the highest quality. This high-quality venom then flows into our products, such as our Bee Cream or our CONCENTRATED ANTI AGING SERUM, which can support you with various needs.

Your contribution to bee protection

When you use our bee venom products, you are actively supporting sustainable and bee-friendly beekeeping. You are helping to ensure that we can continue to work with passion and respect for nature. But your influence goes much further: with every purchase you send a strong signal to the industry that ethical and bee-friendly practices are in demand. You are helping us to be a role model for other beekeepers and driving change towards greater sustainability across the industry.

We also work closely with a specially developed, certified apiary in Croatia that specializes in the sustainable extraction of bee venom. This European apiary guarantees the organic availability of the bee venom that we use in our products. Thanks to this collaboration, we can ensure that the quality of our bee venom meets the highest standards while always focusing on the health of the bees.

Your contribution also enables us to invest in research and development to continuously improve our methods and focus even more on the well-being of bees. Together, we are setting an example for a sustainable future - for bees, the environment and the industry.

Bee venom production at bedrop is a prime example of how humans and nature can work together in harmony. We hope that with this insight we have been able to allay your concerns that our bees are being harmed in the extraction of poison.

Do you have any questions about bee venom extraction or our products? Let us know! We are always happy to share our knowledge with you and hear about your experiences.